
Showing posts from December, 2019

What should remember while booking a hotel in online?

While planning to travel abroad or in your country, choosing the hotel is an important task that needs to be pre-planned well. Most of the people log into the websites and make the hotel booking. By booking online people get discounts and also have the cancellation policies. But some people encountering some problems like, after booking the hotel and staying there would lead them to find the accommodation that doesn’t match their expectations. Wherever you take a trip to the world, the hotel star ratings differ. The ratings in each country vary with the level of facilities, service, accessibility, and other factors.  So one should aware of the facts even that these do vary from one location to another. For example, you might find the difference while online hotel booking in Chennai and online hotel booking in Bangalore. The points you must consider while online hotel booking. First, try to find out the star rating system of hotels in the location you are going to visit.  Find the

What involves in hotel star rating system?

If you are making a trip plan, you must research the various accommodations in the area that you are going to visit.  At that time you are getting confused about the star rating system. What is the star rating? Which category involves assigning the star rating? Note that there is no standard system to rate the hotels. The rating system will differ according to the country and locations. For example, 5-star hotels in Bangladesh is equal to 3-star hotels in London. Hotel star ratings still have more value and the traveler should familiar with the system. One star is the lowest rating and five stars are the highest score. Here is the general interpretation of the star rating system. 1-star rating – These hotels offer only basic needs. This means the property has no-frills, it doesn’t mean a hotel is dirty, it simply means you will have a peaceful place to sleep and a common bathroom. 2-star rating – Two-star hotels are typically more convenient than the 1-star hotel. It