The Famous Misconception About the Star Rating System of Hotels. ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW!

When you look for hotels, what would be the first thing you would notice? The answer for most of us would be its star rating. If it is a one, two, three, four or five-star hotels. But, truth to be said, we may end up being unhappy in a five-star hotel and be extremely happy in a one-star hotel. What can you infer from this? The star rating doesn’t measure the quality of hotels. You need not think that the one-star rated hotel is a hole with no facilities. Similarly, the five star rated hotels may not be always as luxurious as you may think too. Luxury hotels are well-known for being costly. But, budget hotels may be far better than these luxurious hotels. The blog suggests one such 3-star hotel, which is luxurious in an affordable manner – Hotel Radha Prasad. But, before that we need to know the star rating and how does it work. All you need to know about the star rating systems of a hotel is that the 1-star hotel might provide only the necessities. You cannot ex...